The Climate Clean Offset Process
Real. Surplus. Verifiable. Permanent. Enforceable.
Project Proposals & Approval
Investors, governments and other organizations submit proposals for offset generation projects to the Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), the United Nations body charged with governing Kyoto-based offsets.
Project Implementation
Once approved, the construction can begin. The project must meet rigorous standards and pass several levels of validation in order to produce official offsets. Depending on the stage of approval either VER’s, CER’s, or REC’s are produced.
Offset Enters Market
After the credit has been produced, it enters the Markit Environmental Registry where brokers, private citizens or corporations can purchase them.
Climate Clean
Climate Clean purchases a diverse and high quality portfolio of offsets designed to match your tailpipe emissions.
Consumers / Corporate Fleets / Auto Dealers
With the help of the Climate Clean System, Auto Dealers are able to calculate the precise emission signature of YOUR vehicle.
You now have peace of mind knowing that the volume of emissions produced by your vehicle has been offset through quality projects across the globe. Your purchase has helped to fund the continuation of these emission reducing projects.
Offset is Retired
To verify that the offsets purchased on behalf of your vehicle are not double-sold, Climate Clean retires the credits in a verified third party registry. This guarantees that the credits have been taken off the market, thus ensuring a reduction in global emissions.