Create A Cleaner World

    • Simple steps:

      1. Become a Climate Clean™ Dealer
      2. Offer your customers the opportunity to have a Climate Clean™ vehicle
    • How does a vehicle become Climate Clean™?

      Use the Climate Clean™ VIN Calculator to:

      1. Measure the vehicle’s carbon footprint for the number of miles your customer selects
      2. Let your customer select a carbon offset project
      3. Determine the cost per month based on the length of the financing contract
      4. Click Accept
    • What does your customer get?

      1. A Climate Clean™ certificate detailing the miles and project your customer selected for their new vehicle
      2. A Climate Clean™ sticker for their vehicle
      3. A QR code that lets your customer share information virtually and on social media about their vehicle purchase from you!
    • What do you, the Auto Dealer, get?

      1. Increased traffic to your dealership
      2. Increased prestige through marketing messages establishing your commitment to the environment and social responsibility.
    • Why would a customer go Climate Clean™?

      1. Most people know tailpipe emissions contribute to climate change.
      2. Many of your customers want to do their bit to help the planet.
      3. Your professionalism and Climate Clean™ tools will let your customer to make a difference and be proud of what they have done.

Carbon offsets from Climate Clean™ meet internationally recognized and rigorous standards, and are retired automatically on Markit™, the world’s largest carbon credit registry. Our high-quality carbon offsets are real, surplus, verifiable and permanent — “RSVP.” The offsets must:
Have been implemented, and are therefore


Result from projects that would not have taken place without revenue from offset sales, a condition known as “additionality” or


Have undergone a stringent design, monitoring, measurement, and verification process, so that offsets can be considered


With demonstrated transparency as to how and where all investment is utilized.
Satisfy the criterion of being


So that local and global benefits from the projects are socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.